Life Insurance for Diabetics

Chart of Ratings and Premiums

Each life insurance company has its own proprietary methodology for assigning ratings. They all follow this general construct. It's important to note that no agent can ever guarantee a rating until after the application and medical exam have been reviewed by the insurance company. I believe it is unethical for an agent to quote you a rate that they don't believe you can reasonably be assigned.

These are some sample rates from a highly rated nationally recognized carrier:
($250,000 of 20 Year Term Insurance, 35 year old Male, Non-Smoker) (1-23-2015)

Rating Class

Monthly Premium


Preferred Plus


The "aerobic instructor" rate






Best rate for borderline diabetes



Best rate available for a cigarette smoker









Best rate for diabetes controlled by oral meds












Best rate for diabetes controlled by insulin


- Most diabetics will not be eligible for “Disability Waiver of Premium” riders that pay your insurance premium if you become disabled.

- Borderline diabetes is here defined as elevated glucose levels that are treated with diet and exercise.

- Comorbid factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, obesity and vision problems will affect these ratings negatively.


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